Source code for malduck.extractor.extract_manager

import json
import logging
import os

from .extractor import Extractor
from .loaders import load_modules

from ..py2compat import binary_type
from ..yara import Yara

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__all__ = ["ExtractManager", "ExtractorModules"]

def is_config_better(base_config, new_config):
    Checks whether new config looks more reliable than base.
    Currently just checking the amount of non-empty keys.
    base = [(k, v) for k, v in base_config.items() if v]
    new = [(k, v) for k, v in new_config.items() if v]
    return len(new) > len(base)

def encode_for_json(data):
    if isinstance(data, binary_type):
        return data.decode("utf-8")
    elif isinstance(data, list) or isinstance(data, tuple):
        return [encode_for_json(item) for item in data]
    elif isinstance(data, dict):
        return {key: encode_for_json(value) for key, value in data.items()}
        return data

def sanitize_config(config):
    Sanitize static configuration by removing empty strings/collections

    :param config: Configuration to sanitize
    :return: Sanitized configuration
    return {k: v for k, v in config.items() if v in [0, False] or v}

def merge_configs(base_config, new_config):
    Merge static configurations.
    Used internally. Removes "family" key from the result, which is set explicitly by ExtractManager.push_config

    :param base_config: Base configuration
    :param new_config: Changes to apply
    :return: Merged configuration
    config = dict(base_config)
    for k, v in new_config.items():
        if k == "family":
        if k not in config:
            config[k] = v
        elif config[k] == v:
        elif isinstance(config[k], list):
            for el in v:
                if el not in config[k]:
                    config[k] = config[k] + [el]
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Extractor tries to override '{old_value}' "
                "value of '{key}' with '{new_value}'".format(
                    key=k, old_value=config[k], new_value=v
    return config

[docs]class ExtractorModules(object): """ Configuration object with loaded Extractor modules for ExtractManager :param modules_path: Path with module files (Extractor classes and Yara files, default '~/.malduck') :type modules_path: str """ def __init__(self, modules_path=None): if modules_path is None: modules_path = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), ".malduck") if not os.path.exists(modules_path): os.makedirs(modules_path) # Load Yara rules self.rules = Yara.from_dir(modules_path) # Preload modules load_modules(modules_path, onerror=self.on_error) self.extractors = Extractor.__subclasses__()
[docs] def on_error(self, exc, module_name): """ Handler for all Exception's throwed during module load Override this method if you want to set your own error handler. :param exc: Exception object :type exc: :class:`Exception` :param module_name: Name of module which throwed exception :type module_name: str """ log.warning("{} not loaded: {}".format(module_name, exc))
[docs]class ExtractManager(object): """ Multi-dump extraction context. Handles merging configs from different dumps, additional dropped families etc. :param modules: Object with loaded extractor modules :type modules: :class:`ExtractorModules` """ def __init__(self, modules): self.modules = modules self.configs = {} @property def rules(self): """ Bound Yara rules :rtype: :class:`malduck.yara.Yara` """ return self.modules.rules @property def extractors(self): """ Bound extractor modules :rtype: List[Type[:class:`malduck.extractor.Extractor`]] """ return self.modules.extractors
[docs] def on_error(self, exc, extractor): """ Handler for all Exception's thrown by :py:meth:`Extractor.handle_yara`. .. deprecated:: 2.1.0 Look at :py:meth:`ExtractManager.on_extractor_error` instead. :param exc: Exception object :type exc: :class:`Exception` :param extractor: Extractor object which throwed exception :type extractor: :class:`malduck.extractor.Extractor` """ self.on_extractor_error(exc, extractor, "handle_yara")
[docs] def on_extractor_error(self, exc, extractor, method_name): """ Handler for all Exception's thrown by extractor methods (including :py:meth:`Extractor.handle_yara`). Override this method if you want to set your own error handler. :param exc: Exception object :type exc: :class:`Exception` :param extractor: Extractor instance :type extractor: :class:`extractor.Extractor` :param method_name: Name of method which throwed exception :type method_name: str """ import traceback log.warning( "{}.{} throwed exception: {}".format( extractor.__class__.__name__, method_name, traceback.format_exc() ) )
[docs] def push_file(self, filepath, base=0): """ Pushes file for extraction. Config extractor entrypoint. :param filepath: Path to extracted file :type filepath: str :param base: Memory dump base address :type base: int :return: Family name if ripped successfully and provided better configuration than previous files. Returns None otherwise. """ from ..procmem import ProcessMemory log.debug("Started extraction of file {}:{:x}".format(filepath, base)) with ProcessMemory.from_file(filepath, base=base) as p: return self.push_procmem(p, rip_binaries=True)
def push_config(self, family, config): config["family"] = family if family not in self.configs: self.configs[family] = config return family else: base_config = self.configs[family] if is_config_better(base_config, config): log.debug("Config looks better") self.configs[family] = config return family else: log.debug("Config doesn't look better - ignoring.")
[docs] def push_procmem(self, p, rip_binaries=False): """ Pushes ProcessMemory object for extraction :param p: ProcessMemory object :type p: :class:`malduck.procmem.ProcessMemory` :param rip_binaries: Look for binaries (PE, ELF) in provided ProcessMemory and try to perform extraction using specialized variants (ProcessMemoryPE, ProcessMemoryELF) :type rip_binaries: bool (default: False) :return: Family name if ripped successfully and provided better configuration than previous procmems. Returns None otherwise. """ from ..procmem import ProcessMemoryPE, ProcessMemoryELF from ..procmem.binmem import ProcessMemoryBinary matches = p.yarav(self.rules) if not matches: log.debug("No Yara matches.") return binaries = [p] if rip_binaries: binaries += list(ProcessMemoryPE.load_binaries_from_memory(p)) + list( ProcessMemoryELF.load_binaries_from_memory(p) ) def fmt_procmem(p): return "{}:{}:{:x}".format( p.__class__.__name__, "IMG" if getattr(p, "is_image", False) else "DMP", p.imgbase, ) def extract_config(procmem): log.debug("{} - ripping...".format(fmt_procmem(procmem))) extractor = ProcmemExtractManager(self) matches.remap(procmem.p2v) extractor.push_procmem(procmem, _matches=matches) if log.debug( "{} - found {}!".format(fmt_procmem(procmem), ) return self.push_config(, extractor.config) else: log.debug("{} - No luck.".format(fmt_procmem(procmem))) # 'list()' for prettier logs log.debug("Matched rules: {}".format(list(matches.keys()))) ripped_family = None for binary in binaries: found_family = extract_config(binary) if found_family is not None: ripped_family = found_family if isinstance(binary, ProcessMemoryBinary) and binary.image is not None: found_family = extract_config(binary.image) if found_family is not None: ripped_family = found_family return ripped_family
@property def config(self): """ Extracted configuration (list of configs for each extracted family) """ return [config for family, config in self.configs.items()]
[docs]class ProcmemExtractManager(object): """ Single-dump extraction context (single family) """ def __init__(self, parent): #: Collected configuration so far (especially useful for "final" extractors) self.collected_config = {} self.globals = {} self.parent = parent #: Bound ExtractManager instance = None #: Matched family
[docs] def on_extractor_error(self, exc, extractor, method_name): """ Handler for all Exception's throwed by extractor methods. :param exc: Exception object :type exc: :class:`Exception` :param extractor: Extractor instance :type extractor: :class:`extractor.Extractor` :param method_name: Name of method which throwed exception :type method_name: str """ self.parent.on_extractor_error(exc, extractor, method_name)
[docs] def push_procmem(self, p, _matches=None): """ Pushes ProcessMemory object for extraction :param p: ProcessMemory object :type p: :class:`malduck.procmem.ProcessMemory` :param _matches: YaraMatches object (used internally) :type _matches: :class:`malduck.yara.YaraMatches` """ matches = _matches or p.yarav(self.parent.rules) # For each extractor... for ext_class in self.parent.extractors: extractor = ext_class(self) # For each rule identifier in extractor.yara_rules... for rule in extractor.yara_rules: if rule in matches: try: extractor.handle_yara(p, matches[rule]) except Exception as exc: self.parent.on_error(exc, extractor)
[docs] def push_config(self, config, extractor): """ Pushes new partial config If strong config provides different family than stored so far and that family overrides stored family - set stored family Example: citadel overrides zeus :param config: Partial config object :type config: dict :param extractor: Extractor object reference :type extractor: :class:`malduck.extractor.Extractor` """ config = encode_for_json(config) try: json.dumps(config) except (TypeError, OverflowError) as e: log.debug( "Config is not JSON-encodable ({}): {}".format(str(e), repr(config)) ) raise RuntimeError("Config must be JSON-encodable") config = sanitize_config(config) if not config: return log.debug( "%s found the following config parts: %s", extractor.__class__.__name__, sorted(config.keys()), ) self.collected_config = merge_configs(self.collected_config, config) if "family" in config and ( not or ( != and in extractor.overrides) ): = config["family"] log.debug("%s tells it's %s", extractor.__class__.__name__,
@property def config(self): """ Returns collected config, but if family is not matched - returns empty dict. Family is not included in config itself, look at :py:attr:``. """ if is None: return {} return self.collected_config