Source code for malduck.bits

# Copyright (C) 2018 Jurriaan Bremer.
# This file is part of Roach -
# See the file 'docs/LICENSE.txt' for copying permission.

__all__ = ["rol", "ror", "align", "align_down"]

[docs]def rol(value: int, count: int, bits: int = 32) -> int: """ Bitwise rotate left :param value: Value to rotate :param count: Number of bits to rotate :param bits: Bit-length of rotated value (default: 32-bit, DWORD) .. seealso:: :py:meth:`malduck.ints.IntType.rol` """ count = (bits - 1) & count value = (value << count) | ((2 ** count - 1) & (value >> (bits - count))) return value % 2 ** bits
[docs]def ror(value: int, count: int, bits: int = 32) -> int: """ Bitwise rotate right :param value: Value to rotate :param count: Number of bits to rotate :param bits: Bit-length of rotated value (default: 32-bit, DWORD) .. seealso:: :py:meth:`malduck.ints.IntType.ror` """ return rol(value, bits - count, bits)
[docs]def align(value: int, round_to: int) -> int: """ Rounds value up to provided alignment """ return ((value - 1) // round_to + 1) * round_to
[docs]def align_down(value: int, round_to: int) -> int: """ Rounds value down to provided alignment """ return (value // round_to) * round_to